The Impact of Infertility Treatment on Couples and Relationships: How to Bear the Unbearable with Dr. Erica Berman

Why is there so much conflict between couples going through infertility?  Dr. Erica Berman is a Toronto-based psychotherapist who specializes in helping clients cope with infertility and pregnancy loss, and postpartum mental health, and she expounds on the reasons behind this conflict between couples. All of the connections between society, culture, neurobiology, evolutionary biology, and…

Therapy Never Ends: Until It Ends

    It was my colleague’s graduation, the end of a roughly 8-year post-graduate journey training to be a Jungian psychoanalyst, a branch of psychology heavily weighted towards the writings of Carl Gustav Jung. A beautiful spread of cheeses, desserts, and floral arrangements graced the reception room. He would have loved it. The only problem…